Charlotte's Web

Blogging my world since 2006

Going Grey with Obama


Please note that I:

am in very good company:

Barack going grey

I swear here and now, in the company of my three children and some discarded pieces of Lego, that if Obama gets in and becomes President of the USA, I will never dye, highlight or ever maltreat my hair again.

After all, we grey-hairs must stick together.

Author: charlotteotter

Novelist, feminist, crime writer

30 thoughts on “Going Grey with Obama

  1. Grey as a political statement … I like it – very distinguished and I’m sure it suits him too!

  2. Me too! Sideburns nearly white now. Wife likes it.

  3. I love your hair! You look great. 🙂

  4. Oh, the extent we all go in the wide world hoping Mr. Obama gets in. I even dreamed last night about the elections. This can’t be healthy. Yet, your pledge to go grey, now that is healthy! Here’s to growing grey gracefully.

  5. Mmm… going grey, is he? My daughter started going grey before she was two years old, so he is in good company. I’m going a little white at the sides.

    Here’s to growing grey with joy – no matter how old or who you are!

  6. i’d make the same pledge myself… but i don’t look nearly as cool as you with grey – i think it particularly suits writers 😉

  7. I can’t start to imagine what you’ll do to your hair in case he doesn’t get in!

  8. I feel like making the same pledge too. I am very nervous about what’s going on in America – I wish I had the vote there!

    You’re looking good. I noticed last night I had a big grey patch on one side of my head that wasn’t there a few months ago… which is not surprising considering what the past 8 months have been like! I bought a dye kit a while ago but am too nervous to use it. I don’t really want to get into a cycle of pouring chemicals onto my hair… not sure what to do…

  9. Excellent!!! Your grey is lovely and so is Barack’s!

    I am keeping my fingers crossed for an Obama victory!!!

  10. If Obama wins I will stop plucking that one black hair that grows on my jawline.

    Looks like I’ll be voting for McCain. 😉 😉

  11. You look absolutely lovely. Don’t change a thing!

  12. It looks lovely on you. I have a feeling my process of going grey is not going to be so stylish….

  13. I love it! I keep it grey in Oregon, but whenever I visit California I dye. I know it’s not right, I should not give in to pressure. I should be confident that the beauty within will show through, that I look just as attractive with grey hair as my Sergio does. Who am I kidding? I’ll be grey until April, then I’ll be going to California 🙂

  14. I have noticed a large new crop of gray hairs lately…stress, who me?

    I think gray hair is beautiful, as are you dear Charlotte. I’m keeping my fingers crossed, too (and planning to vote, naturally).

  15. Don’t think for one moment your locks aren’t lovely. You look WONDERFUL!

  16. I stopped dying my hair in January and love the silver that is now showing. I’m with you, Charlotte, on the graceful gray. (And on Sen. Obama, too. Been busy with the local campaign for the last few weeks and can’t wait for a very long day working at the polls on Tuesday! )

  17. You are a brave & gorgeous lady! Looking very distinguished! And between you & Obama I’m sure you could conquer the world 😉

    Me, I don’t have nearly as uniform a distribution of grey hairs, so to prevent spending the rest of my days looking like Magenta from Rocky Horror, I think I’ll stick with the dye for now 😉

  18. still highlighting I’m afraid but they seemed to miss the most visible couple of grey hairs, very annoying considering how much it cost. I will definitely be joining you in future, not out of choice but due economic forces. Jx

  19. But does he have a little (or big) shiny patch yet? That’s when he’ll really arrive! I do hope he’s the kind of man who won’t do a comb-over…

  20. And I swear to do the same. I’d also do all kinds of other things to guarantee Obama’s presidency. Let’s hope I don’t have to do anything other than vote, though.

  21. You’re brave to go gray! I couldn’t do, not even for Obama…

  22. The unanimous vote seems to be for stylish grey and you both look the part. Am happy to go along with the pledge. I hear the latest accessory is to add “bama” to the end of your name if you’re an Obama volunteer. Charlobama anyone?

  23. Welcome to the club!

  24. Charlotte, You are beautiful and one of those lucky people who has no need to use make up. You are youthful in appearance and at heart. I promise. Pierre.

  25. I love your blog (just discovered it) — feel a real connection, as I’m an ex-German who’s put down roots in Alaska… you write wonderfully about life in general, and that cross-cultural world where anglos and teutons meet!

    Yup, I’m a graying Mama for Obama — and proud of it!

    I don’t know what your take is, but are Germans a little better than Americans about the whole age thing? American women around here seems terrified of aging, which I find very sad, really. Besides the time and money spent, it strikes me as a form of self-loathing… I wrote a post recently about aging,

  26. Pingback: Today’s Writing Task « Lisa’s Words at Play

  27. Pingback: I Want To Be In Chicago! « Charlotte’s Web

  28. I have been a stranger – I apologize, so a lot to catch up on. I can’t do it, Charlotte, not yet, but I am happy for you that you can and have.

    And on the Obama win: I am soooo happy to be moving to the US anyway, because I am moving for love, but his win makes it all the sweeter. He truly inspires me. Even Ben has said that now he is proud to welcome me to his country. Now I just need to visa. I hope your NY trip has been awesome. And perhaps next time you’re there, I will be too.

  29. Pingback: When I Was 35 « Charlotte's Web

  30. Please! Maltreat your hair!

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