Charlotte's Web

Blogging my world since 2006

I Promised Not to Blog About the Laundry …


… so I’m letting Dave Walker do it for me:

cartoon from

Cartoon by Dave Walker. Find more cartoons you can freely re-use on your blog at We Blog Cartoons.

We have a laundry mountain. It is oppressing us. It is threatening to take over the cellar. It is creeping up the stairs and hanging about in piles in bedrooms. It is draped over washing lines on the terrace. It is becoming omnipresent.

But we have a weapon in our arsenal! The weapon is called The Lovely I. The Lovely I is a sweet-faced lady who comes to tame our laundry into neat, ironed and folded piles. We have decided it is essential to bring her in tonight at all costs, before the laundry mountain suppresses the entire house, and calls in militias.

While she bravely fights the battle, with iron in one hand and TV remote control in the other, and an ear out for kid-like squeaks from the bedrooms, we’ll be toasting her from the nearby Portuguese restaurant.

The Generals have got to eat, you know.

Wishing y’all a Schoenes Wochenende from sunny Deutschland!

Author: charlotteotter

Novelist, feminist, crime writer

20 thoughts on “I Promised Not to Blog About the Laundry …

  1. Oh, that’s right! I started my own Epic Laundry Battle before turning on the computer and I *knew* I was going to forget to go back and keep up with it.

    Thanks for the reminder 😉

  2. I’m glad you have the lovely I. I wish I had the lovely I, unfortunately I only have the unlovely Me to deal with the soft and stale alps growing in our hall. A major strip mining campaign is called for.

  3. I recently lost the laundry battle when the iron bit me. I now have an angry red triangular burn on my hand and a locked cupboard full of crumpled clothes.

    Never try to attack the pile when you are half cut on red wine is my advice.

  4. Have fun tonight!

  5. Aarggh…I keep the washing up to date, but ironing… the pile is SO huge it is threatening to bring the floor crashing through the ceiling of the room below. We are now operating a strict “Need to Wear” policy which involves searching through the pile for a specific garment, and giving that (and only that) a quick blast of turbo steam whilst muttering “I’ll get down to 2 hours of ironing this evening and clear the lot”, and then promptly forgetting about it.

  6. i have a leaning tower of ironing. and the irony is, it never gets ironed.

  7. LOL. Thanks for the smile.

  8. No 2 is my to be washed basket; No 7 is my ironing mountain. I don’t mind washing but I hate ironing. Oh well. At least we know where everything is…

    I hope the Generals had a wonderful night 🙂

  9. Would you please send the Lovely I over here? I just got back from a week on the road and desperately need help.

  10. My closet pretty much always looks like #6. I piss and moan about having to walk down the steps on the outside of the building to get down to the laundry in the basement. But really, I’m just too lazy to do it sometimes. I also leave laundry in the washer overnight. Bad! And the dryer. Bad! Ok, now I need some chocolate to stifle my inner judge.

    Hope you had a wonderful evening!

  11. I am totally envious of your Lovely I. What fun it would be to arrive back home to find neatly-folded laundry and nary a stray sock lying about!

  12. My solution against laundry bin explosion:
    – buy fewer clothes, so that the sum of all my dirty clothes fits in the laundry bin. Unfortunately, my wife thinks differently
    – find a second life (and a third) for dirty clothes before dumping them in the laundry bin: 1=going out / 2=work / 3=home / 4=cooking
    – never ever iron things. Ironing is vain. Things that really look too ugly unironed I do not buy anymore.
    – have an industrial-size washing machine, so that one laundry empties the bin.

  13. A lovely laundry lady! What a wonderful idea.

    I’m in complete denial about the HUGE pile of laundry in my laundry room. I keep hoping it will just go away.

  14. Please send the Lovely I to Australia immediately. I have been doing two loads of laundry a day for the past week due to an explosive nappy situation. I am beginning to wonder if the sole purpose of laundry is to irk me and to waste my time. I think it breeds by itself in the basket. I’ve also made a vow that I will NEVER iron pyjamas again.

    I hope you have a nice meal!

  15. I just showed this cartoon to my husband and he said ‘It’s ours!’. I make him do the laundry (when I first lovingly ironed his shirts on our return from our honeymoon he said ‘that’s not the way my mother does it’ and I have never looked back). But it means I often have to wait whole seasons before garments return from the wash. I think twice, if not three times, before reluctantly admitting they must enter the limbo zone of the laundry basket.

  16. ugh. am sitting here reading blogs with a never ending sinus headache, all the while knowing I have my out of control laundry pile to tackle…best do it now, I guess! Enjoy your dinner!

  17. So very true!

    At least now I understand how my laundry multiplies overnight.

  18. Please can I have one of those people?? I have a laundry pile to tackle and three days until the kids are back in school and I have control of the remote! Aaargh! Maybe I’ll sacrifice my evening tv watching to iron and tv watch at the same time instead of saving it up for marathon Sex & The City sessions on Thursdays.

  19. Pingback: Voices « White Thoughts

  20. my washing pile is even larger than the ironing one… my solution… I just keep buying more laundry bins… last count… 8!! Ironing is done on a need to have basis…Basically hubby is the ony one who has ironed clothes for work… and the rest of us, well we look forward to when granny visits. The last visit from Granny I actually had to go out and buy more coat hangers as all our washing and ironing had been done and we had no idea that we had so many clothes. Unfortunately we now have wardrobes full of empty hangers. I am going to make hubby read this as he thinks I am the only one in the whole world that cannot sort out the laundry / ironing thing!

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