Charlotte's Web

Blogging my world since 2006

May I Introduce You To …?


Don’t you love blogging? You write, your friendships with people deepen, and then out there, blog-leaping, you come across great new blogs that you want to support by writers you want to befriend. I had almost given up on the WordPress tag surfer. Every time I went there, it wasn’t serving up anything of interest to me. And then last night, I had a run of great good luck. In a space of twenty minutes, I found three great new blogs (two new this year, one new to me) that deserve some attention. I’ve subscribed to them all, because I think they are going to be very rewarding. You might want to have a look at these:

My Dear Lizzy, who blogs at No. 1 Mouse Place. She’s a mother, a cook and a Jane Austen fan. She has recently moved to Pakistan with her husband and small daughter, and she writes beautifully.

Momma Muse, who’s blogging about issues close to her heart: parenting, feminism, women and work.

Last night, I also found Ag in Africa, a British woman working in Johannesburg for an AIDS/HIV non-profit organisation. She’s just written a really great, non-emotive post on crime in my home country, aptly named Fear and Loathing in South Africa. Sometimes I think it takes an outsider (I don’t mean that pejoratively) to have a clear-headed view. I also like her pictures of animals. I do miss warthogs!

Then, I’ve also come across Confessions of a Psychotherapist, a great blog about psychotherapy, politics, feminism, parenting and a host of other things. I’m looking forward to having a nose through her oeuvre and her blogroll, but here’s a taster on women who have professionalised motherhood (ie the Yummy Mummy).

Lastly, but absolutely not leastly, I’ve found 8 Centimeters Deluded, whose tag line is: “I birthed them in my bed, now I have to lie in it”. She’s hilarious (watch the vlog where she puts a stocking over her head as a gift for her mother’s birthday), but also hard-hitting. Her latest post is on the public breastfeeding furore that is rippling across the USA – apparently MySpace is withdrawing pictures women have posted of themselves breastfeeding. What is it about Americans and breasts?

What are your new favourite blogs?

Author: charlotteotter

Novelist, feminist, crime writer

19 thoughts on “May I Introduce You To …?

  1. Thank you, Charlotte! I have to say, guiltily, that I haven’t done much surfing lately. But that makes your post even more useful. I really like the look of the psychotherapy one; never a dull moment to be had in the human psyche!

  2. 8CM is a hoot!

    Speaking of finds, I’m glad you stopped by my blog. I’m adding you to my links so I can come back and read more. 🙂

  3. ps–Just saw this and thought of the post you shared with me. Yikes!

  4. YOU are one of my favourite new blogs. Well, new to me, at least. 🙂

  5. Pleasure, Litlove. They are all worth a look.

    Karrie, yes, I have to thank Kate1976 for helping me find you! And the “birthing machines” comment is indeed scary.

    Violet, welcome, and thank you for the compliment. I like your name, and the fact that your husband is called Coffee.

  6. I agree with Violet. All during college my buddies used my name in little puns like “How many guys are caught in your web?” or “Ms. Web, how are you?” When I found your ‘web’, I immediately liked what I saw. I also stop by for my daily dose of humor.

    Keep up the wonderful stories Charlotte!

  7. Thanks, the other Charlotta! It’s been fun discovering your blog. Yes, I also visit the Pioneer Woman frequently – she’s delightful and for me, completely other-worldly. I couldn’t imagine what it would be like living on a ranch among cowboys and calves, and home-schooling four children. I think she’s astonishing and, dare I say it, funnier than Dooce (for whom I have nothing but lashings of admiration.

  8. Since moving back to San Francisco I have been searching local blogs to find farmers markets and insider tips to restaurants. Here are some of the blogs I enjoy reading:

    Can you tell I am a bit obsessed with food?

  9. Hey thanks for the link! I saw a little yellow dot over CapeTown in my Google Analytics and dug further to investigate. I’m glad I found you after you found me. Great blog. I used to read another S.A. mom blogger frequently. Tertia, I think. I’m glad you enjoyed my panty hose on the head vid. I still can’t believe I had the nerve to post it. I look forward to coming back and reading more of your blog.

  10. Your blog makes for great reading … I arrived here from HealingMagicHands blogroll. I’ve added you to my blog too, which I started recently … I’ll be back here often!


  11. I am glad you enjoyed my blog and thanks for mentioning it this post.

    I am new to the blogging world, and I really appreciate learning about all these great blogs. I cannot wait to take a look at the others you suggested.

    I will add your blog to my links!

  12. Hi there Domestic Slackstress! I’ve come across Tertia too. I think she has published a book from her blog. I am South African, and my heart will always belong to Cape Town, but I live in Germany.

    Thanks, Kate, I will be checking you out too.

    Hi Momma Muse and welcome. You might want to have a stroll through my blogroll as well – there are some very interesting people there who have the same focus as you. What We Said is a group feminist blog to which I’ve contributed.

  13. I’m a bit restricted in my surfing time right now so I haven’t come across many new blogs by myself recently, but I have enjoyed visiting the blogs you mentioned in your post. Ahh, ahh, blog reading and blog writing is sooooooooooo addictive!

  14. I would have to say yours as well. I have a sorry attempt at blogging my reads and just prefer to read about what others are reading (okay…did that make any sense?).

    Anyhow thanks for sharing your new finds. I will be checking them out shortly.

    (finally coming out of lurkdom)

  15. Tesha, thanks for those fabulous foodie links! I look forward to checking them out …

    Helen, it is indeed. Far too addictive for my own good. Glad you enjoyed the links.

    Hi Nadine, thanks for de-lurking. I’ll be keeping an eye on your blog.

  16. Yay, thanks for giving me yet more links to browse when I should be doing something useful! These blogs look great.

    Oh, and I loved your last post about you and Ollie. So cute!

  17. Wonderful idea, highlighting other blogs…I am already addicted to the psychotherapy blog and have subscribed to her feed. Thanks. No 1 Mouse Place is lovely too…still want to check out the others.

    Who is the Tertia who wrote a book? Does she still blog?

  18. Charlotte, thanks so much for the kind words and the mention here. You are now also on my blog roll – I am fond of blogs that make me smile x

  19. Kathryn, very pleased to be able to distract you from actual work. Go forth and link …

    Thanks, Wendz. Her name is Tertia Albertyn, and I think her blog was/is called So Close. She wrote about infertility treatment and her struggles to conceive. Her blog is now a blook. I would include a link but Firefox is being shirty right now.

    My pleasure, Ms Melancholy. Nice to have met you.

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