Charlotte's Web

Blogging my world since 2006

Tales From the Web


Number 2, October 2007

Welcome to Tales From the Web. This is the second edition of my magazine, where I select my favourite posts from the around this lovely Web that interlaces us all. I have no editorial policy except that I select things that amuse and delight me, and I presume that, since we are friends, they will delight you too. If they don’t, then go away and read I Can Has Cheezburger – which I love – or Perez Hilton – who I love too. This is a place to celebrate writing; funny, beautiful, insightful, clever, uplifting writing. No cats in hats or celebrities’ nethers here.

One of the things I’ve learnt since I started blogging is that good bloggers support each other, sometimes by commenting, sometimes by just turning up and sometimes by pointing out what a good job someone has done. I tend to have my favourites, but I’m always looking for new writers who inspire. If you come across a talent, please tell me! If you have a talent, please tell me! I’m chasing the delicious tidbits and I want to snare them in my web.

Of as today, my magazine has a name: Tales from the Web. The name was donated by Helen (of A Was Alarmed fame) and for her trouble she wins a box of Belgian chocolates. Unlike this magazine, the chocolates will not be virtual.

So here’s this month’s round-up, in no particular order of preference. If you like a post, go and tell the author. It’s call blog love and it’s good. Enjoy!

Eve, of The Third Eve, is a writer I’ve recently discovered. I’m fascinated by many of the topics she tackles, but recently she has been posting about the challenge of raising boys in a society that no longer tolerates the unique boy energy and wants to medicate it into oblivion. Here’s a snippet:

I’m no expert on boys but I do know that many boys do not fit in. Some manage their oddness by becoming leaders; others manage it by being kicked out of school; others are medicated into oblivion. I have friends whose brilliant son reacted to stressors in their family life (stressors created and denied by the parents, but obvious to nearly everyone else) by developing Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD). So many times, bright, sensitive boys develop symptoms in response to the environment–a sort of personal early warning system that functions to tell grownups to slow down. Their symptoms are labeled and ignored in the name of Education. Or Medicine. Or Science.

Read more of Eve’s post here: Bad Boys, Bad Boys, Watcha Gonna Do?

Please read Courtney’s beautiful post on growing more like her mother – When did this happen? – which celebrates her surprise discovery, but questions why families tend to pigeonhole their members.

Amity, who blogs at Noble Savage, is another writer I’m just getting to know. I feel we have something in common – we are both expats, stay-at-home mothers with a fiendish writing habit, and married to British men. Her latest post contains not only complete surprise that, despite having just moved into a new house which she is busy redecorating, she appears to be hosting two parties this weekend, but also a seriously dirty coffee mug. Take a look here. Believe me, it’s worth it.

How is it possible for a ballerina to become an engineer? Lia tells us how, in her post Naivete and Tenaciousness. I know Lia, and it never ceases to fascinate me that she has had these two disparate careers. I believe that she’s training for a third career now, but I’ll let her reveal what it is in her own good time.

Not on Facebook yet? Here are Ian in Hamburg’s tips for trying to persuade/beg/stalk people to become your Facebook friends: How To Get Back in Touch.

Ms Healing Magic Hands went into her labyrinth to do a healing and peace meditation and came out angry. She’s very angry at George Bush, not only because she has a son in service, but because she believes he understands “neither liberty, patriotism, nor humanity”. Read her post here.

I’m a bit of a fangirl when it comes to poet and essayist Kyran Pittman’s blog Notes to Self. Every post is a jewel. She says she strives for quality over quantity, which is a great goal, one which the IntraWeb could adopt to good effect. First, make yourself a cup or tea or coffee, then pick a post (any post) and enter her world. You’ll be so glad you did.

Amy Winehouse might not be going to rehab (no, no, no) but YogaMum and I are. Read her brilliant post Rehab for Busy Moms and see if you wouldn’t want come along.

Befriend a new blogger! My friend K (who I can now officially out as Kerry, seeing she’s done so herself) bravely offered herself up a victim to come on Charlotte’s Very Busy Tour of Berlin. She’s back from Berlin and blogging, about having twins, what it means to be married to the step-parent of one’s own children and a very inspiring photography course. Visit K at Kerry’s Khaos.

Now for the fashion pages of my magazine. Do you have a geek in your life? Or perhaps you are one? My dearly beloved has started a new blog focusing on that oxymoron Geek Chic. Take a look and see what well-dressed geeks are, or should be, wearing today: Dedicated Follower of Fashion.

Author: charlotteotter

Novelist, feminist, crime writer

18 thoughts on “Tales From the Web

  1. Wow, Charlotte – I am so flattered to be listed here, especially since I admire your writing so very much! Thank you for the mention, and I have bookmarked all other blogs mentioned here. You are right – we need to pass around the blog love – I need to start doing so, too!

  2. Pingback: Drug Addiction » Blog Archive » Tales From the Web

  3. Hi Charlotte, the magazine is a great idea. You have weaved together a very interesting selection. I will enjoy checking them out. Thanks.

  4. Great post, thank you. I love Courtney’s post, too.

  5. Thanks for including me! I will check out your other picks. You have impeccable taste!

  6. Not that I need more blogs to read, but recommendations from you are bound to be good, so here I go. (Meanwhile, I just love this idea of yours of “Tales from the Web” and look forward to future editions).

  7. Ooh, do I really win a box of chocolates! This has made my day! I’m feeling very, very pleased with myself now! I can relate strongly to the quote about boys who don’t fit the mould, I am off to read that now.

  8. Wow, thanks Charlotte, I’m flattered that you included me in your selections. I love finding new blogs and fantastic writers so I will most definitely be checking out the other entries. There goes my morning…

  9. I was just wondering this morning when the next edition would be here. And here it is! Thank you Charlotte for introducing some new blogs and writers to me (to us…)

  10. I love your magazine! I’d like to subscribe.

  11. I’ll have to check at least some of these out. I think it’s a nice idea doing this, I’m sure we – your collective readership – will discover some new and interesting sites between us!

  12. It’s my goal to be a featured blogger on Tales from the Web. Perhaps NaBloPoMo will be my breakthrough…. Thanks for the great links Charlotte!

  13. This is a very cool, generous idea, and I hope it really takes off. Your comments are as engaging as the posts you are highlighting, and, like Henitsirk, I find that I have even more motivation to write newsworthy posts.

  14. I look forward to checking out these blogs, they all sound great. Now, if i could devise a plan that would add an extra two hours (blog hours) to my day, I’ll be set.

    Thanks for the suggestions.

  15. Hello! I added you to my blogroll. Hope that’s cool.

  16. I love Tales From the Web! If it were on paper I would be queuing up at the newsstand. Keep on with it!

  17. Oh my…I Can Has Cheezburger?…If I look at any more I’ll wake the kids, or pee my pants.

  18. Some fascinating reads here, thanks.

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