Charlotte's Web

Blogging my world since 2006

Saved By A Meme


Thanks to Jen at Coasting Richly, I have something to post on this cold, windy, grey Saturday morning. If you can’t face any more personal details from me, look away now, but if you have a strong stomach, read on:

1. Explain what ended your last relationship

That is such distant history I can’t even remember which was my last relationship. Was it the wan one who was stalking me, or the mysterious dark one who I was stalking? Was it the small English one who suddenly decided he was in love with a man, but then started making puppy eyes at my best friend? I truly cannot remember, and thank goodness, because they were all horrible. Thanks, dearly beloved, for being so sane, normal and good.

2. When was the last time you shaved?

Don’t bother in winter. It provides extra layers.

3. What were you doing at 8am today?

Giving three children and myself breakfast: omelette for baby, toast for me, cereal for girls.

4. What were you doing 15 minutes ago?

Changing a poo nappy.

5. Are you any good at maths?

Er, no. But having said that I went to an all-girls school that didn’t value science or maths skills for girls. Perhaps if I had gone somewhere that challenged me and did not allow me to coast, then I would have been better. But essentially I am a word person rather than a figures person.

6. Your prom night?

In South Africa, this is known as the matric dance. I dumped my usual boyfriend (did I mention that I was a dreadful teenager?) in order to take an exceptionally hot young naval officer who wore his naval whites and smiled winningly all night. We had a lot of photographs taken of us. My friend reported from the recent school reunion that I did not attend that, in certain photo albums, I have been cut out of the photos, but many remain of the gorgeous Lance. I had a great night – he may have been hot, but he wasn’t too cool to make me feel very special.

7. Do you have any famous ancestors?

The painter Sir Joshua Reynolds. (Note to self: must file all kids’ artworks in case of future fame.)

8. Did you have to take out a loan for university?

Yes, but my dad helped. He sent me a monthly allowance, and paid off the interest on the loan. I paid off the rest when I started working.

9. Do you know the words to the song on your Myspace profile?


10. Last thing received in the mail?

Boring bills.

11. What beverages have you had today?

Water. Coffee. Excuse me while I go and put the kettle on … Mmmmm, now I’m drinking a hot lemon Vitamin C drink from the Apotheke to fight off a cold.

12. Do you leave messages on people’s answering machines.

Sure I do.

13. Whom did you lose your CONCERT virginity to?

Johnny Clegg, the white Zulu, and his fabulous band Savuka. I danced till I dropped. I AM an African child.

14. Do you draw your name in the sand when you go to the beach?

I used to. Now I draw sand shadows of my children.

15. What is the most painful dental procedure you have ever had?

An unnamed procedure at a German dentist in the late 90s where she cleaned UNDER my gums. Don’t know what it was but it was bloody awful. My teeth are close together, so I even find flossing painful. In fact, let’s stop talking about it right now.

16. What is out your back door?

A terrasse bearing a lawn mower, a bench, some sad pot plants, two white plastic tables and numerous bikes and kids’ toys.

17. Any plans for Friday night?

That was last night. I put my kids to bed and waited for my husband to come home from Nice (he brought nougat, the saint) while reading all your brilliant blogs. Those of you who didn’t post are responsible for my having to go to bed early. Naughty you!

18. Do you like what the ocean does to your hair?

YEAH! I went to university in Cape Town so spent almost every possible afternoon at the beach. That sun-kissed, dry, gritty feeling on skin and in hair reminds me of freedom, no responsibilities and glorious sunny days. With added beer.

19. Have you ever received one of those big tins with three different kinds of popcorn?

No, but feel free to send me one.

20. Have you ever been to a planetarium?

Yes. Loved the starry night sky.

21. Do you re-use towels after you shower?

This question puzzled me. Are there seriously people who only use towels ONCE? What luxury! When I grow up, can I be like that?

22. Some things you are excited about

An all-girls walking weekend in the Odenwald in seven days time! I’m excited! I’m very excited!! Anyone noticing how excited I am!!!

23. Your favourite Jello flavour

Don’t do jelly.

24. Describe your key chain

It’s got a picture of Justin Timberlake and when you press the button to unlock the car, all his clothes come off … Sorry. Just an aside. Yes, my key chain, umm, present from my mother-in-law, lots of lovely dangly blue beads that are slowly all being pulled off by my son.

25. Where do you keep your change?

In my wallet.

26. What winter coat do you own?

A moss-green, boiled wool coat with a hood. I love it, it’s very boho and SO last season. I’m casting my eye around for a second coat – something short, black and sleek.

27. What was the weather like on your graduation day?

Hot and sunny for the school graduation. I didn’t bother with any of my university graduations (to this day, this brings tears to my mother’s eyes, she was THAT cross with me), but it must have been hot and sunny too because I was on the beach.

28. Do you sleep with your bedroom door open or closed?

Open. Our bedroom is like a train station most nights, people changing trains, complaining about the service, wandering about, going to the loo. It’s a busy place.

Now I tag YOU!

Author: charlotteotter

Novelist, feminist, crime writer

11 thoughts on “Saved By A Meme

  1. Ok I’ll consider myself tagged..I was wondering what to post about today. Like the train station analogy, I’m going to have a hard time thinking of anything else so apt.

  2. I’m tagged, too.

    I might have to borrow your number 15, substituting Australia for Germany and this year for the late 90s. I can’t remember the name of the procedure either — I think I blanked it on purpose. And I was fully numbed up the whole time.

  3. Ooh, my teeth are too close together to floss. I thought I was the only person like this. I periodically go on guilt trips because I can’t floss but my teeth seem OK…

    Do you really have a keyring where Justin Timberlake gets his kit off?! I wonder if they would make a Brad Pitt or Johnny Depp one?

    My keyring has a glittery teddy on it and when Kiko gets hold of my keys (as he likes to) he holds the teddy between his finger and thumb and goes: “Oooh! Oooh!” at it. (Just as I would do if I had a Brad-gets-his-kit-off one – heh!)

  4. Pingback: Sunday morning grilling « White Thoughts No One Sees

  5. Hello! I really must add you to my sidebar as I keep forgetting to stop by.

    Sand shadows sound like a great idea, and make me think of one of the pictures I posted here.

    (I hope your system accepts comments in the links. In case it doesn’t, it’s meant to point here: )

  6. My key ring says ‘If you can’t be a good example, you’ll have to be a terrible warning.’ I think this is very apt for me!! Wonderful meme, Charlotte and some very funny answers.

  7. Pingback: Saved by a meme « Aphra Behn - danger of eclectic shock

  8. I have the same problem with flossing, too! (The procedure was probably a deep cleaning.)

    Thanks for sharing! Great meme.

  9. I am picking this one up too, good one.

  10. I guess I’ll have to do this one. I lost my wonderful post to the ether.

  11. Pingback: meme thing « aljis

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