Charlotte's Web

Blogging my world since 2006

Some Things I Love About My Husband


(Mr Pomo warns: Includes sentimental schmaltz, reference to underage drinking and worms.)

My husband is about to turn 38. We met almost exactly 20 years ago, when he was a very young first-year university student and I was a rather knowing schoolgirl. It was at a rugby after-party, and, having no interest in rugby at all, I was there for the boys. And I found one! I told my friends I was going to get a beer and somewhere in the beer crush, met him. My friends didn’t see me again. We spent some time propped up against a wall talking. He recited Blake’s The Tiger to me. We danced. We spend some more time propped up against a wall … not talking.

We started a passionate, wonderful, letter-writing, book-sharing relationship. I was thrilled to have a boyfriend who didn’t want to talk about rugby. It lasted, er, two weeks. All I can say in my defence is that I was very young and very superficial. If you ever come for dinner and we drink enough wine, he will tell you his version of events. I will blush and possibly run screeching from the room. I really was a dreadful teenager.

Anyway, five years later, when he knew a bit more about girls and had a job and a car and an attitude, he found me again. During that time, I had come to appreciate that qualities such as kindness, trustworthiness and gentleness were actually desirable in a partner. I was in my last year at university and he was working, so he wined and dined me in every posh eatery the length and breadth of the Cape Peninsula. He kept proposing, and I kept saying, let me write a novel first, let me pay off my student loan first, let me go to China first. One day, in the Spar near my mother’s house, buying a few last-minute Christmas groceries, he made his umpteenth proposal. By then they were becoming somewhat offhand. To his surprise and mine, I said yes.

So to celebrate his birthday, and twenty years of knowing each other, here are some (but by no means all of the) things I love about my husband:

  1. His crooked, sideways grin. This has been inherited by my son, so now I have two of them grinning at me like this on a daily basis, melting my heart.
  2. He has no fear of the yucky jobs. Cleaning the toilet, emptying the nappy bin, swabbing out the food bin in summer (there be w*rms), cleaning the tops of the kitchen cupboards when we have a moth infestation (there be more w*rms), nothing is too gross for him.
  3. He is a great present-giver. He never fails to return from a business trip with a little something for me. Even if it’s just an English-language newspaper he picked up on the plane, there’s always a present. Birthdays are good too.
  4. When Ollie shrieks at 5.30am, he will collect him, take him downstairs, give him his breakfast and play with him so that I can get a little more sleep.
  5. He is devoted to his family – we come first above all else. Occasionally, he gets mournful and mutters “What happened to my Ferrari” but I know that he would rather have us than a garage-full of sports cars.
  6. He LOVES a party.
  7. He is a great friend.
  8. He cooks, favouring the Jamie Oliver style of flinging it all together, nakedly. Which is not to say he cooks naked, though it might be something to think about …
  9. He buys cleaning products, which he actually USES.
  10. No-one treasures, admires, uncomplicatedly adores our three children as much as he does. Apart from me, of course.
  11. He makes me laugh. Actually, shriek.
  12. He speaks fluent, but shamelessly bad German. He has tons of German friends, who shriek at his jokes – in German.
  13. He loves books and travel as much as I do.
  14. He tolerates, no, encourages, my blogging habit.
  15. He leaves all the chocolate for me.

(My husband blogs at Vendorprisey. If you’re of a technical bent, like bikes and well-written software blogs, then check it out.)

Author: charlotteotter

Novelist, feminist, crime writer

10 thoughts on “Some Things I Love About My Husband

  1. HE LEAVES ALL THE CHOCOLATE FOR YOU? I was quite ready to go head-to-head with you in the great husband department, but S. can smell a chocolate bar being unwrapped from several rooms away, and I’m lucky to ever get more than two squares. Hiding doesn’t work. Hoarding doesn’t work. My husband’s love affair with chocolate is long and passionate and, well, he’s bigger than me. I praise your husband – he’s a saint!

  2. The yucky jobs are my husband’s too and he was the one who suggested, no, ordered me to start blogging…I don’t think he was quite prepared for the result!

    How amazing that you found each other so young. Destiny was doing well!

  3. I love hearing stories about how people met. Yours is a great one! In fact, it reminds me of how my parents met (although their story features hitch-hiking…)

    My husband doesn’t cook, doesn’t clean, avoids yucky jobs with devotion, is not so great in the present department, scrabbles with me over chocolate and steals my modem! But I love him so much. He can fix an air-conditioning unit and he makes me laugh and he has the same funny facial expressions as Kiko. You know when you’ve met the right person.

  4. My husband can hoover all chocolate in a 10 mile radius but I see that as a gesture of kindness to me as I really ought not to eat chocolate despite how much I love it!

    ps thanks for your message about the sidebar – got it sorted!

  5. What a lovely man! Or that’s to say the best kind of husband – one who becomes infinitely lovely in his wife’s eyes. I do hope he has printed out this post and framed it!

  6. Well it’s a mixed blessing being married to someone who doesn’t have a sweet tooth – on one hand, I get all the chocolate, but on the other, I don’t NEED all the chocolate. Some sharing would be better for my thighs.

    Litlove, I am lucky in that it just keeps getting better and I appreciate him more and more.

  7. What a fine thing, Charlotte – praising your man in front of the world. I can only imagine the deep love Thomas felt when he read this public display in his honor.

    There’s not a husband alive that doesn’t want to be appreciated and respected. Good show!

    (And, more importantly, Happy Birthday to Thomas!)

  8. Oooh, I’m so jealous I didn’t think of this as a blog idea. Now if I do it I’ll just be a copy cat!

    You are so lucky to have a great husband. I don’t know for sure, but I think mine is the greatest man on earth, but then I’m very prejudiced.

    He shares chocolate too, and does all kinds of handyman things, saving us bundles of money on plumbers, electricians, etc. And he is a great cook, gourmet even. Plus he encourages me to buy daffodil bulbs, too.

  9. Such an endearing & heartwarming post!

  10. Pingback: A Love List « Anthromama

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